A letter from our founder

I am an educated, affluent, married, mother of four living in a beautiful home in a small town in Massachusetts. From the outside, my life looks nothing short of perfect. But it is far from perfect. My passion for behavioral health stems, unfortunately, from personal need. The World Health Organization states that 1 in 5 worldwide will be affected by mental health issues. In my experience, it is 5 out of 5. People that I love have suffered or do suffer from paralyzing anxiety and debilitating depression.

Even while I share my story in the hopes of helping others, it is still a difficult one for me to tell. I have experience of school refusal, isolation, self-medication, self-harm, panic attacks, suicidal ideation, suicide attempts, drug poisonings, and death by suicide. The hardest part of my journey were the feelings of despair, fear and loneliness.

In trying to find help for myself and others there was so little information available. I discovered an unacceptable gap in services. I was lacking skills to try to address issues that often arose only at home. I looked everywhere for support. I figured it out the best that I possibly could.

I started Isleworth to help others. To bridge the gap in available services. To offer the best of what I have learned. Our mission is to improve social emotional health through the Power of the Peer.

Today, Isleworth provides highly professional, customized support that would have made a world of difference to me ten years ago. The team at Isleworth engages parents, staff and administrators to help shoulder the burden and assure you that you are most certainly not alone.



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